Monday, June 24, 2013

1970s vintage lamp - from yellow to bronze

I remember my grandparents using this lamp when I was younger but years have passed and it got buried in the basement. This was the perfect first project. 

After researching paint colors online, I found the paint color that was closest to Pottery Barn bronze - Rustoleum Oil Rubbed Bronze (photo below). It was really easy to use. 

We cleaned the cast iron with water, took it apart (the globe is split horizontally) and taped off what we didn't want painted. After using newspaper to wrap around the light itself, taping off the metal switch on the pole, we were ready to go!   

Following the directions on the bottle, we used light coats on a Friday and completed it by Sunday! 

From yellow to bronze, I'm excited it turned out but more importantly that it has a memory behind it. Check out the before and after photos!